In the world of religion, much emphasis is placed on human mediators who supposedly hear from God and interpret his words to followers. They are regarded as religious professionals who are believed to have a special relationship with God that allows them to hear from God. This relationship is commonly represented as a calling from God to report what they hear to common people who do not have such a spiritual relationship.

This pattern has been in place since Mt. Sinai when Israel told Moses that he should hear God’s voice and report to them what he hears. The people intentionally distanced themselves from God when they choose to listen to Moses instead of hearing directly from God.  Fear of death was more important to them than obeying God’s commands to listen to his voice. This was a big mistake for Israel then, and it is still a big mistake for everyone who chooses to listen to a prophet instead of listening to God’s voice. They do not understand that listening to a prophet is not the same as listening to God who might tell them things they do not want to hear. They are much more comfortable listening to a mediator/prophet. Moses did this, of course, but this pattern of using a human mediator was never God’s preferred method of communicating with his people. It was the Old/First Covenant pattern that was replaced by the New Covenant pattern in which God speaks directly to the hearts of his people through his Spirit.

Therefore, New Covenant disciples do not need a human mediator to hear and interpret God’s word for them. There is only one mediator between God and man and that is the Messiah who is the only one qualified to interpret God’s word. Any human who represents that he/she is qualified and necessary to perform that interpreter/mediator function is a false messiah.