Many people are starting to notice that the world of religion for Christians and Jews is changing. Religion Detox Network forums (see list in right sidebar) are for the brave, adventurous people who have become statistics in this changing world. Whether they know it or not, God has called them out of religion (i.e. Babylon) into a spiritual life that religion could never deliver.

STUDY TIP: See How God Sees Religion for understanding of why God is calling people out of religion.

Like Abraham, they face the prospect of leaving family and friends for an unknown destination and an undefined blessing. And like Abraham and his descendants who lived in Canaan surrounded by religious nations that tempted Israel to follow their gods, they live like aliens looking for a spiritual city built by God. They want no more of religious doctrines and traditions made by men. For them, holiness (i.e. set-apartness) is taking on a radical new meaning in which religion is the environment from which they are set apart.

Religious people who meditate on the personal application of Abraham’s story will be interested and perhaps comforted to read the following research reports: