Many times God told Israel to avoid doing the things that other religions do. That strong exhortation still applies to both Jews and Christians today. It applies with respect to all kinds of behaviors, including religious practices such as clothing and postures. It also applies to the practice of branding if other religions practice it — and they clearly do.

The pictures below give a sample of the kinds of things religions around the world have done to brand themselves. Many of them do not associate with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, while others do claim to have such an association. Regardless of their claims, if they choose to brand their religion with distinct apparel and behaviors (i.e. brand characteristics), Jews and Christians should not do the same kinds of things because God said that they should not do those things. And even if there are sects of Judaism and Christianity that choose to brand themselves with external, material distinctions, what others do is not license to do the same. Clues for proper behavior should come from God only. Just because someone else is doing it, and the fact that it is a long-standing tradition does not make it legitimate in God’s eyes. In fact, to carry that point further, if Christians choose to do the same kinds of things that other religions do, it is sin. That is what God said. Jesus also had a few choice words about following traditions that should be a caution to people who are strongly invested in a religious tradition.