Religious people are always busy doing religious work with their physical bodies. They are doing a little religion here, doing a little religion there, following one regulation after another always displaying a form of godliness but never having any spiritual power. It is because of all this religious activity that God gave the fourth commandment.

The deceptions of the literal words of the fourth commandment are that the seventh day is interpreted as a literal day and that rest is interpreted as physical rest. The truth is that the seventh day is a symbolic term God uses to describe the eternal, perfect, spiritual condition of New Covenant disciples who understand that religion is not true spiritual worship. Since God opened their hearts to this critical understanding, they are no longer busy doing religious works of any kind with their eyes, hands, ears, mouths, feet or minds. Nor do they seek or receive religious instruction from any human person because they believe that God’s law is written on their hearts and that they have no need for anyone to teach them anymore. Nor do they feel compelled to engage in religious work anymore. They have entered into an eternal, never-ending, day of rest.

But this is now how it is for religious people. Because they have never entered into God’s rest, they continue to follow the ways of pagan worship that Balaam taught to Balak who effectively cursed Israel by building altars where Israel came to worship. The deception about religion is still very much at work in them.