Injustice first appears in the Bible in the story of Cain and Abel. Because it was an unjust act for Cain to kill Abel, God avenged Abel’s murder by punishing Cain. This punishment brought justice for Abel.

To understand injustice, slavery and oppression, it is useful to look at the history of religious wars and oppression as revealed in the following articles:

From this brief review of the history of religious wars and persecution we conclude that events reported in both the Old and New Testaments are part of an eternal continuum of religious conflict carried out by false prophets and other gods. Perpetrators of religious wars, slavery and oppression claim, and perhaps even believe, that they are acting with Godly motives based on their literal interpretations of the Bible. In fact, however, they are acting on their own authority with selfish motives — not under Godly commands.

Anyone who doubts the dangers of literal interpretations of the Bible only needs to consider this history to see the harm such interpretations do to people and to God. The history of religious wars and persecutions clearly reveal what happens when different religions base their doctrines on rigid, literal interpretations of the Bible. They make war with other religions that do not believe as they do. It has always been that way and will always be that way.

All religions make the same mistakes as their religious forefathers made when interpreting scripture literally. They are thus doomed to be both perpetrators and victims of  religious persecution and oppression. This historical trend can be arrested only by New Covenant disciples who interpret scripture for its symbolic meaning as revealed by God’s voice spoken to their hearts. When this happens at the global level, all religion will disappear. And when religion disappears, all religious conflict will cease. There will be peace in the world only when everyone has peace (i.e. God’s spoken word) in their hearts.