It is impossible to understand warfare and enemies without understanding the Biblical terms associated with warfare: soldiers, armies, war, bloodshed and dying/killing by the sword.  In this page we will discuss the symbolism of those Biblical terms:


There are two factions involved in spiritual warfare. On the one side we have God and New Covenant disciples. On the other side we have Old/First Covenant religionists. Soldiers, then are aligned with one side or the other.

New Covenant soldiers are actively involved in the destruction of religion. Before becoming effective soldiers, they need to detoxify themselves from religion. Then they join the battle by exhibiting the fruits of the spirit and love in their relationships with others — including Old/First Covenant religionists. The weapons of their warfare are all defensive — except the sword of the spirit which is the word of God spoken through them by the spirit.

Old/First Covenant soldiers include religious leaders and followers who have a stake, large or small, in any formal or informal religious kingdom. They stubbornly resist any persons or activities that pose threats to their religion and their personal security.


Basically there are two armies: God’s and all others.

Within the “all others” category there are an infinite number of small armies that defend each of the many religious kingdoms that exist in the world. These small armies are always in conflict with God because they keep his people in bondage while God is trying to deliver them. They are also in conflict with each other because they are in competition with each other for people who will follow them and support them.

See Genesis 14 for an example of religions at war with each other. Abraham represents God’s army that intervened to set the captives free.

The Hebrew word Tsaba’ that is translated as army is also translated as hosts in the KJV.

War/battle These are the words that God uses to describe the conflict (i.e. war) between the flesh (i.e Old/First Covenant religionists) and spirit (i.e. New Covenant disciples). Biblical warfare is carried out with swords that symbolically represent words. So the war is essentially a battle of words.

But not all words are the same. God’s words spoken by God lead to life. New Covenant disciples understand the mysteries of God’s word and speak God’s living words to captives who cry out for deliverance from religious leaders who keep them in bondage. This is how they set the captives free.

The enemies of God are those who do not listen to God but listen to false prophets that speak lies. They will suffer exile from God’s presence which is spiritual death. See Religion is Deception for more about these enemies and their tactics.

Essentially, the battle is between the people of the kingdom of God against people of the kingdoms of the world ruled by religious leaders. Religionists in the kingdom of the world try desperately to hold onto their kingdoms in the face of God’s ongoing effort to establish his eternal kingdom in their place and set the religious captives free from bondage to each religion.

Bloodshed and Death These terms are essentially identical. They report when someone is killed or destroyed by the sword.

Both God and his enemies produce bloodshed and death. Death at the hand of enemies comes because they speak curses, evil and destruction with the sword/tongue of their mouth.

There are two kinds of blood and two kinds of death. They may be described as either evil or redemptive:

Evil Blood This is the spiritual blood that religious leaders shed when it they use lies and deceptive speech to attract and maintain people in slavery to religion. It is evil because false prophets who successfully preach lies effectively deny Godly spiritual life to people they deceive.
Evil Death This is the spiritual death that religious people experience when they have been deceived by religious speech to join and remain faithful to religion. Since true spiritual life is available only to people who listen to and obey God’s voice, religious people who listen the voices of false prophets do not have access to true spiritual life. In God’s language, people who do not listen to his voice are evil and are effectively dead.
Redemptive Blood This is represented by the persecution that people experience when they engage religious entities in warfare that is motivated by the desire to set religious captives free from religion.
Redemptive Death

