Jews have clean consciences with respect to the New Testament. They just do not believe that it is scripture worth reading because it all relates to a Messiah that they do not accept. End of story. But that does not get Jews off the hook regarding hypocrisy.

Jews past and present pride themselves on rigid adherence to the Law of Moses and respect for other Old/First Covenant writings. Like Christians, however, they are selective in what they accept as laws worth following. And like Christians, they have many laws that they have added to their religion. These are the religious traditions by which Judaism is known. The problem is, however, that these traditions do not line up with what God has said in the New or Old Testaments.

In God’s view, all the reverence for the teachings of generations of rabbis who contributed to the Rabbinical Literature is nothing less than idolatry. So, while claiming to be monotheistic, Jews practice a kind of polytheism in which the Oral Torah that is written by rabbis ranks above what God has said. Instead of obeying God’s voice, they prefer the written word of rabbis. This is hypocrisy in its purest form.