A simple little test for knowing when the law is written on our heart, is found in Psalm 119. Anyone who can resonate with these affirmations of Psalm 119 is well on the way to being a New Covenant disciple. The way to mature to being a New Covenant disciple is to search for and understand the parables, dark sayings, symbols, types and patterns, figurative language, shadows and deep mysteries that are hidden in the Bible and apply those meanings in our life.

Anyone who is not able to interpret these symbolic meanings is an Old/First Covenant religionist who reads only for the literal meanings. And if they are only reading for the literal meanings, they are Old/First Covenant religionists — not New Covenant disciples. For Old/First Covenant religionists, the only promises that apply are the ones included in the curses of Deuteronomy 28:15-6 and in warnings of punishment and exile found in the books of the prophets. Old/First Covenant religionists should be able to identify that these promises are present and active in their disordered, chaotic life. If they are New Covenant disciples, however, they will be able to read and identify that the spiritual blessings of Deuteronomy 28:1-14 are present in their life.

We should all be eager to read and interpret the Bible so that we can identify with the characters and their trials and tribulations. There is much to be learned from them as they work through the process of securing their New Covenant salvation that comes from deliverance from Old/First Covenant religion. Maybe we understand the facts of the stories, but if we do not learn from these stories and apply them to our own lives, we have failed the reading comprehension test that God has given us.