True followers of Jesus must function as teachers and true prophets. God’s word burns within their hearts with compulsion to teach. If they do not teach and prophecy, they are hypocrites who are not what they claim to be.

People who claim to be followers of Christ who do not actively and purposefully function as teachers and true prophets make claims to their love for God and Jesus in vain. In doing so, they violate the third commandment. They worship with their mouths and bodies, but their hearts are far from God.

Most people do not consider themselves equipped to teach or prophecy. This attitude exists to a great degree because religion teaches them that only a few special people are qualified to teach and prophesy. Religion teaches that special spiritual gifts (i.e. teaching prophecy, are assigned only to a few specially trained or gifted religious leaders (e.g. pastors, teachers, priests, etc.). This thinking ignores what God has said about his people being a kingdom of priests and true prophets.***