One purpose of these forums is to gain a Biblical perspective on the reasons for current trends in the religious landscape and explain in Biblical terms why so many people are leaving organized religion. Moderators have reported their views in the HOME page, but the Global Forum is the place for others to report their views also.

The Global Forum will probably be of most interest to people who people who are students of world affairs. They not only watch and read the news but they try to make some sense of it in Biblical terms.

Therefore, people who contribute to this forum will not only report on global religious events but also try to explain them from a Biblical perspective by citing scriptures as was done in the HOME and RELIGION  pages.

See this link to read and make comments on the Global forum.

Notes to subscribers to this forum:

  • Please provide links to scriptures rather  than quoting the scripture in the forum. is a very good on-line Bible tool. See “Create Bible Links” for instructions on how to link scripture references in forum comments.
  • In addition to the link with the applicable scripture, contributors may choose to provide  commentary that explains how religious events fulfill Bible statements.

To get readers thinking about the kinds of issues that fit into the global arena, we present the following links to research on current trends in world religion for consideration: