The process of revelation of truth begins when religious people decide to stop interpreting the Bible literally, stop listening to the voices of false prophets, and start listening to God’s spoken voice. Healing from spiritual blindness comes to those for whom God has opened their eyes and ears. But he does not do this until they stop listening to false prophets and choose to listen to his spoken voice.

STUDY TIP: See Sickness, Disease, Blindness, and Deafness.

Healing is also conditional on the following:

God opens our spiritual eyes and ears to understand parables, dark sayings, symbols, types and patterns, figurative language, shadows and deep mysteries that are hidden in throughout the Bible. He effectively reinterprets that which was impossible for us to understand by using our natural, human resources (e.g. eyes, ears, intellect, reasoning, etc.). When we are healed from blindness, we can see the symbolic meaning of scripture with clarity that makes perfect sense.

Connections between related scriptures that we could never see are made in ways that we could not anticipate. All of a sudden we see meanings and nuances in the literal text that we never saw before. And it all happens in a way that cannot be managed or anticipated because it is controlled by the spirit.

These revelations are not available to Old/First Covenant religionists. They are only available to New Covenant disciples.

As much as we want to understand, we can never anticipate when the spirit will open our spiritual eyes to understanding. All of a sudden, we have eyes to see as ears to hear that we never had before. It is such a new way of studying the Bible that we might say that it is just like being born again in terms of our ability to understand spiritual meanings. But, we hasten to add, it does not come all at once. It comes little by little with respect to one scripture or concept at a time. Thus we must keep on digging if we hope to acquire more understanding. And indeed, if we keep on studying, the truth of the scripture that says “to those who have, much more will be given” will be fulfilled.

When we hear God explain truth to our hearts, we know that we have received a remarkable gift from God. We have made the transition from literal interpretation to spiritual understanding. In other words, God has given us the symbolic meaning of the literal words written in the Bible. Whereas we were spiritually blind when we interpreted the Bible literally, we received sight that allow us to interpret it symbolically where the spiritual truth lies.