Using Biblical imagery, we can say that Jews and Christians are enslaved like the Hebrews in Egypt and Babylon. They don’t realize it, but they need to be set free from the law of sin and death (i.e. Old/First Covenant), so they can make the journey to the Promised Land (i.e. New Covenant). Jews easily fall into this trap because, in their literal interpretation of the law, they believe that the New Covenant will come at some future time for all Jews just because they are ethnic Jews. Sadly, this future, literal, global expectation denies individuals from entering the New Covenant today. Christians, have fallen into their own trap believing that they are already New Covenant. They put no stock in ethnicity, but they put their stock in the fact that they practice a religion called Christianity.

STUDY TIP: See this link for understanding of how Christians have stumbled over Jesus.

Thus they proudly and ignorantly claim that their oral laws are valid while the oral laws of Jews are not valid. Christians thus set their oral laws (i.e. the collections of teachings and writings of theologians and preachers) above the teachings and writings Jewish oral law.

In reviewing the history of Jewish and Christian religious traditions, we must conclude that are both are based more on extra-biblical sources than on the Bible. All writers, both Jewish and Christian, would claim that their writings are valid interpretations of scripture, and we are sure that they are sincere in their efforts to interpret God’s word for everyday use. However, we find  two problems with these claims:

  • Jews and Christians, past and present, have added to God’s laws by basing their writings and verbal teachings on literal interpretations of the law which do not make sense unless human imagination is used to create understanding.
  • Jews and Christians have subtracted from God’s laws by ignoring scriptures for which they could not find a literal translation that make sense and could be integrated neatly into existing beliefs and practices.

Since all of these laws and regulations are written by religious authorities,  and enforced by those religious authorities, it can be said that these authorities function as gods and idols in the lives of people who subscribe to and follow their religion. Furthermore, it can be said that those people who subscribe to their teachings are idolaters.

What we have in religion, therefore, is a man-made system of idolatry. This can be summarized as defiled religion. It is the substance of the Old/First Covenant. What God wants, however, is New Covenant disciples who practice pure religion based on his laws written on the hearts of New Covenant disciples.

The following table is a simplified comparison of the basic differences between the two covenants contrasted in terms of Pure Religion and Defiled Religion.

Characteristics of Pure Religion Characteristics of Defiled Religion References
New Covenant Old/First Covenant Many scriptures symbolize the transition from the defiled, obsolete old covenant to the pure new covenant.
Based on God’s spiritual laws written on hearts. Based on religious laws that man  finds or interprets in the literal Bible. Scriptures about the New Covenant.
Worship in spirit and truth. Worship in the flesh. Scriptures about how God hates traditions, festivals and offerings.
Justice Injustice Many scriptures command God’s people to “do justice.
Life Death Deuteronomy 30:15
Tree of Life Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil Genesis 2:16-17
Good Evil 2 Samuel 14:17; 1 Kings 3:9; Hebrews 5:14;  Deuteronomy 30:1-15
Spirit Flesh John 6:63; Romans 8:1-4
Blessings Curses Deuteronomy 30:1-15
Clean Unclean Ezekiel 44:23; Ezekiel 22:26
Holy Profane Ezekiel 44:23; Ezekiel 22:26
Promised Land Land of Canaan; Egypt and Babylon The entire Bible is about the  differences between religion and the Promised Land
Kingdom of God that cannot be seen because it is spiritual. Kingdom of the World that can be seen (i.e. religion). Revelation 11:15
Light Darkness Many scriptures compare these two concepts.
Righteousness Unrighteousness  2 Corinthians 6:14
Righteousness Sin Proverbs 13:6; Romans 5:19-21; Romans 6:13-21; Romans 8:10
Freedom Slavery Gal 4:22-23; Gal 4:30-31; Gal 5:1; 1 Tim 6:1
Faith  Works Romans 3:27-28; Romans 9:30-33Galatians 2:15-16
Abel’s Offering Cain’s Offering Genesis 4:1-7; 1-John 3:11-15
Right hand Left hand Ecclesiastes 10:2; Matthew 25:32-46
David Goliath 1 Samuel 17: 19-51
Mercy Judgment James 2:8-13
Light burden/yoke Heavy burden/yoke Gal 5:1; 1 Timothy 6:1
There is no buying and selling of religious services and products. Buying and selling of religious services and products is what sustains defiled religion.

Considering the information in this table, it is difficult to summarize the differences between the two covenants except to say that the concepts listed in the New Covenant column always overcome the concepts in the Old/First Covenant column. The following summary statements clarify the primary differences between the two covenants:

 Old/First Covenant religion:
New Covenant disciples:
 … always involves visible religious activity  .. never participate in visible religious activities
… always includes human mediators who teach people about God, perform religious services to connect them with God, and shepherd/protect them through life … never receive instruction from false prophets
… always interprets the Bible literally … always interpret the Bible symbolically by listening to God’s voice

And here is another short list of comparisons between the two covenants (i.e. two sets of laws):

Comparison Point
Old/First Covenant New Covenant
Origin of the law: Written codes based on literal interpretation of the Bible. Spiritual law of God written on the hearts of New Covenant disciples.
Who teaches people about God and his laws? False prophets
Differences of the measure of Glory: No Glory Greatest Glory
How long Glory Lasts: Fades away Lasts forever
Duration of the covenant: Becoming obsolete Eternal/everlasting
Type of manna Common manna Hidden manna
Which is the best covenant? Only a copy and shadow of heavenly things. Better covenant based on better promises.
Which is most powerful? The kingdom of the world (i.e. Old/First Covenant) is overcome/superseded/conquered by the Kingdom of God (i.e. New Covenant).

For all these reasons and more, Old/First Covenant religion is a lesser covenant compared to the New Covenant. That is why God is calling his people to come out of religion.