The way we see it, there are several basic reasons why people seek teaching from prophets:

  1. Human mediators (including false prophets) are a component of the Old/First Covenant law that God uses to lead Old/First Covenant religionists to the New Covenant.
  2. Most people will tend to go through the wide, easy gate to learn about God.
  3. Seeking teaching from false prophets is part of the stumbling block that God has set before people to lead them to faith.
  4. False prophets and priests have always been essential features of religion.
  5. Like ancient Israel in the wilderness, people are afraid to hear from God directly. Instead of listening to God’s voice, they defer to Moses, a prophet, who will hear from God and report that to the people.
  6. Because they cannot endure sound doctrine, they have dulled their ears to hearing God’s voice.
  7. They are vulnerable to the smooth talk of seductive teachers.

Hard as it may be to believe, it is a fact that false prophets have always existed because God has made a place for them. He allows them to exercise their natural, fleshly tendencies to teach people Old/First Covenant religion while they are on their way to becoming New Covenant disciples. They provide the evil, unclean religious food that people need so that they can learn to discern the only food that gives life: God’s voice. In other words, they cannot appreciate good (i.e. God’s voice) unless they compare it to evil (i.e. religion).

There is no lasting shame, therefore, to having been a false prophet or to be someone who has listened false prophets. It happens to all religious people. God set up that way. There is only shame for those who do not eventually learn to discern the difference between false prophets and true prophets and then decide to only listen to true prophets.