Religious people like to quote the scripture that says they are created in God’s image. They say this while thinking in natural, physical terms without reconciliation to the fact that God is invisible and has never been seen and cannot be seen with natural eyes. Furthermore, they do not know how to reconcile these facts about invisibility with other scriptures where people say that they have seen God face to face.

So we must ask these questions:

The simple answer to these questions is this: It is all about the heart.

In summary, people are created in God’s image when he writes his laws on their hearts. In effect, they are “recreated” from the image of fleshly man to the image of the invisible God.

When they know that they have been “born again” in this way, they lose all compulsion and drive to be religious. Because they know that God knows their heart, they no longer have any need to receive praise from men for their religious activities.

STUDY TIP: See this link about the creation story.

Since God is invisible, the only way that God reveals himself and the only way that he is identified is through his spoken word. Thus, the only image we have of God is found in his spoken voice. That means that we see (i.e. recognize) God only when we listen to his spoken voice.

It also means that people who are created in God’s image speak for God. These are New Covenant disciples who represent God’s name (i.e. character) by representing him (i.e. speaking for him) to the world of people who cannot hear God’s voice directly. The people whom God sends to represent him (i.e speak for him) are true prophets, angelsmessiahs, high priests, witnesses, and warriors. 

Jesus is the perfect example of all of these Biblical characters. He is therefore, the image of God but he is not God. He only speaks for God. The same can be said of Jesus’ followers. They, like Jesus are sons of God who speak for God, but they are not God.