When we bother to investigate what the Bible says, we see a different gospel than the simple one quoted by Christians. We see the following:

 The gospel of Jesus. There is no Biblical record of Jesus preaching the Christian gospel.

The Christian gospel emphasizes Jesus’ death and resurrection while ignoring his ministry functions.

By emphasizing Jesus’ death and resurrection, Christians excuse themselves from being true followers with true faith. They say that because they trust that Jesus died and rose again as payment for their sins, they are not required to follow him in repeating his ministry functions in their own lives. They say, in effect that they are followers of Jesus but that following him does not include physical suffering and death on a cross. They say that they  are not required to listen to God’s spoken voice which is the true gospel.

Here are a few other things that Jesus said:


The gospel of God. The Christian gospel basically says that human person Jesus is the way to eternal life. It does not recognize that the way to eternal life is through God’s spoken words.

There is no Biblical record of God specifying the words of the Christian gospel in a way that can be reliably said “this is the gospel of God.”

What God did say,  however, is that his word is the source of eternal life. The words that Jesus spoke are eternal life because they are God’s words, but Jesus himself is not the source of eternal life. It is God’s words spoken by Jesus that have power — not the human person called Jesus.

What God said about salvation is very different from the Christian gospel: God says that the source of salvation is his spoken word. The Christian gospel says that salvation comes to people who believe that Jesus died and rose again from the dead.

STUDY TIPS: See this link for understanding of salvation. Also see this link for understanding of belief, trust and faith in Jesus. Also see this link for understanding of death, resurrection and new life.


    • The gospel of God is his spoken word.
    • The Christian gospel is a false gospel.
The gospel of the kingdom. The kingdom of God is the clean, pure hearts of New Covenant disciples.

The Christian gospel says nothing about hearts.


Acts 20:24 The gospel of the grace of God.

Conclusion: The Christian gospel  is a false gospel.

Ephesians 6:15 The gospel of peace.

Conclusion: The Christian gospel  is a false gospel.

2 Corinthians 4:4 The gospel of the glory of Christ.

Conclusion: The Christian gospel is a false gospel.

Romans 1:9 The gospel of his son.

Conclusion: The Christian gospel is a false gospel.

Revelation 14:6 Eternal gospel.

Conclusion: The Christian  gospel is a false gospel.

Gospels preached by angels.

Conclusion: The Christian gospel is a false gospel.

The Gospel is what apostles preach.

Conclusion: The Christian gospel is a false gospel.

The good news of salvation was prophesied in the Old Testament.
