For most readers, the bible appears to be a report of God interacting with people in real physical locations in actual historical events. While this makes for thoughtful reading, interesting sermons, beautiful art and entertainment, it is a serious mistake to think of the bible as a factual, historical document of real people in real places in chronological history because the bible as a book of Symbols, Signs, Types, Parables, Allegories, Copies, and Shadows that transcend space and time.

STUDY TIP: See Time: Hours, Days, Weeks and Ages for clues about how to interpret time in the bible.

Failure to understand biblical references to time and interpret the bible as a book of Symbols, Signs, Types, Parables, Allegories, Copies, and Shadows results in the formation of religion and wrong thinking about God and how he interacts with his people. A symbolic, spiritual perspective leads to a correct understanding of God and how people should relate to him. This is true throughout the bible but is especially true for the book of Genesis because it sets the tone for the rest of the bible.

Most Jews and Christians will be surprised and disappointed to learn that adopting a historical perspective on the book of Genesis has led their religions astray. Moreover, that perspective has caused them to miss the important spiritual lessons contained in the book of Genesis. This page titled “Creation: Everything You Need to Know” begins to unravel the mysteries found in the symbolism of the book of Genesis and redirect people to the spiritual truths contained there and elsewhere in the bible.

Understanding of the symbolism of Creation will be greatly enhanced for people who first read Egypt, Babylon and Canaan, Land, Earth and the Promised Land, Kingdom of God/Heaven, and Heaven. These pages introduce the symbolic meanings of biblical references to the natural world. It will also be helpful to read Genesis of Genesis: Where Did the Biblical Story of Creation Come From? These links will help readers appreciate how Egyptian and Babylonian creation myths have influenced Genesis and many doctrines in Judaism and Christianity.