Most religious people interpret Genesis to be primarily about the miracle of God creating heaven, earth and man. This is a totally wrong interpretation that focuses on the creation of physical things in human time.

There is nothing about a literal interpretation of Genesis that can be applied to any generation of human beings. Considering Genesis as history rejects its symbolic meaning and eliminates the opportunity to be personally corrected and trained for righteousness by it.  A literal interpretation of Genesis also ignores the “first the natural, then the spiritual” principle that must always be applied to bible reading. And it disagrees with the principle of not judging anything by what is observed, — including what we read with our natural eyes and intellect.

The habit of reading of the bible for its literal content has convinced religious people that God is concerned about all manner of physical things and human events. That is wrong thinking. God’s primary concern is for the spiritual condition of human hearts. His concern for everything else is manifest through his efforts to create, or recreate, clean, pure human hearts in New Covenant disciples so they can be influencers for good in the natural world by speaking truth to people who cannot hear God’s spoken voice. This is the story of the miracle of creation reported in Genesis in a nutshell. This theme is introduced in Genesis and reported again and again throughout the bible.

Understanding of creation begins with the knowledge that the heart is the main thing that God is concerned about. That does not mean he is indifferent to matters of the physical world, but it means that God intervenes in the physical world of human affairs by changing (i.e. recreating) the hearts of people who cause trouble for others because they do not listen to God’s spoken voice. When God’s laws are written on hearts, behaviors change. This is what it means to be created in God’s image.

People with changed hearts obey God’s commands about how to relate to one another and how to do justice for others. When this happens, conflict is reduced, religion declines, and people live at peace with one another.

Peace emerging from chaos and conflict is a Genesis theme that is important to recognize. It can be seen by people who understand that Religion is the Enemy. Everyone else will interpret Genesis in terms of a miracle of creation of the natural world. These interpretations are as different as spirit and flesh.

Jews and Christians have great difficulty understanding God’s focus on the spiritual — not physical — heart. The problem for humans is that we live in the physical world and are trained to use our natural senses to conduct our human business — including religion. This fact makes hearing God’s spoken voice difficult for humans and God.