Readers with experience in or out of religion may want to share their opinions, questions, doubts and personal experiences with others. Because religious organizations are not safe places to ask questions or express doubts, the Religion Detox Network offers the following forums.

Forum Focus Link to Forum Description Link to Forum
Review of Global Religious Trends Global  Global
Biblical explanations for global events and trends Bible  Bible
Forum especially for people who claim to have no religion Nones  Nones
Forum especially for people who were religious but are now done with religion Dones Dones
Forum for religious and nonreligious people who observe religious hypocrisy Hypocrisy Hypocrisy
Forum for people who find religion to be toxic to spiritual health and addictive Toxicity Toxicity
Forum for people who want to be free from religion or have achieved a measure of freedom from religion Freedom Freedom
Forum for people might fit in the Nones or Dones population but are not done with God. For convenience, these people are called “Spiritual But Not Religious.” SBNR  SBNR
Forum for people who are still very much involved in religion. For convenience, these people are called “Still Religious.” Still Religious Still Religious

Forum commentators would do well to read the CautionsLinks and Networking pages  before posting comments.