Anyone who professes to have faith in God must hear God’s voice. People who say they have faith and trust God, or Jesus, but do not hear God’s voice are deceived hypocrites. Consider these scriptures:

Romans 10:17 17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of christ. 

COMMENTARY: The first thing to notice here is that faith comes by hearing the words of christ. It does not say hear the words of Jesus. Jesus was a messiah, which means he was a christ (i.e. anointed one.) Readers will notice that christ is not capitalized in this commentary. The reason that it is not capitalized is that christ is an adjective — not a proper name.

Furthermore, Jesus was only one example of a messiah/christ. All true prophets past and present are messiahs because they are anointed by God and sent by God to speak for him. This is why it can be said of Jesus that he spoke God’s words — not his own words. Considering these truths about what it means to be a christ, this verse could be rightly translated this way:

Faith comes by hearing, hearing the word of God spoken by true prophets.

Just as the ability to speak for God is a gift, the ability to hear God’s spoken word is a gift from God, and, faith is a gift from God. Therefore, the ability to hear God’s spoken voice is a matter of faith. See Religion is Not Faith.

The life-giving power of the words of any christ originate with God because christs (i.e. the anointed ones) only spoke what the hear God saying to their hearts. 

Tying this all together, we conclude that faith comes to those who hear the words of anointed messiahs (i.e. true prophets, angels, high priests, witnesses, warriors) who speak for God. Symbolically speaking, these anointed ones are Trees of Life.

Faith does not come to people who listen to false prophets. Symbolically speaking, these are Trees of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and are also called Serpents, Devils, Satan, Adversaries, Demons, Evil Spirits and Anti-christs.

Galatians 3:2 This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? 

COMMENTARY: This is a rhetorical question for which the answer is obvious: The spirit of God is not given to people who obey religious laws. The spirit of God is only given to people who hear God’s spoken voice.

Galatians 3:5 So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? 

COMMENTARY: This is another rhetorical question with an obvious answer: God does not give his spirit and the miracle of faith (i.e. a transformed heart) to people who obey religious laws. See this link for understanding of miracles.

Colossians 3:16 Let the word of christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

COMMENTARY: The word of christ is God’s word spoken through anointed messiahs, true prophets, angels, high priests, witnesses and warriors.

The essential qualification for being a New Covenant disciple is the ability the hear God’s spoken voice. Religion teaches nothing about how to do this because religion is based on religious rules taught by men. Religion, therefore, is passed on by the teaching and writing of men who speak and write fleshly — not Godly — wisdom with human words that come out of the stubborn imaginations of their evil hearts. 

If religious leaders actually knew how to hear God’s spoken voice, they would not teach others how to listen to God’s voice themselves because, if people knew how to hear God’s voice, they would leave religion and listen to God’s voice directly instead of listening to false prophets.

Thus, telling the truth about God’s voice would destroy the personal kingdoms and money making institutions that religious leaders have created for themselves. This would happen because people would no longer need religious leaders to teach them about God because God would teach them about himself and his ways directly. This relationship is the essence of the New Covenant.

But the ability to hear God’s voice does not come easily — especially to religionists whose habit is to listen to religious leaders in whom they put their trust. There is a certain amount of unlearning that must happen before God will open their spiritual eyes and ears to hear his spoken voice. All that religionists know is what they have learned while they were disciples of false prophets. Thus they have been intoxicated with strongholds of wrong thinking that are difficult, but not impossible to destroy. But the only force powerful enough to destroy these strongholds is God’s powerful, spoken word.

Here are a few rules of thumb to consider when trying to discern if we have heard God’s voice:

  • God’s voice is not heard in the human sense of hearing with natural ears.
  • God’s voice is not heard in mere intellectual understanding of the literal, written words of the Bible, or in interpretations or paraphrases of the literal Bible spoken by religious leaders/teachers. Note: Anyone, even an unbeliever, can understand the written words of the Bible and give logical, believable interpretations of them.
  • It will not give so-called “prophetic” messages about personal or global events that will happen in the future.
  • It does not speak generic, “feel good” messages that could apply to anyone at anytime.
  • It will not anticipate or interpret physical signs and wonders.
  • It is not like the teachings of false prophets and pharisees.
  • It is not like human wisdom and knowledge.
  • It is not like listening to your own thoughts.
  • What God says cannot be easily converted into human words.

STUDY TIP: See the following links for for more benefits/rewards of hearing God’s voice.

This is only a short list the rewards of hearing God’s voice. It is impossible to explain spiritual events (i.e. hearing God’s voice) with human words. Nevertheless, human words are useful guides to understanding when the event of hearing God’s voice has occurred.

In the New Testament, the response to hearing God’s voice is described as being “caught up” and “taken up” into heaven.  These terms are commonly associated with an imagined, future event that some Christians call the rapture. Christians who indulge themselves with speculations about the timing of the rapture wrongly think is a future event that happens after they physically die. They do not understand that scriptures about being caught up/taken up are only another way of describing the response to hearing God’s voice, and that it is a here and now event for people who have eyes to see and ears to hear God’s voice. People who have heard God’s voice, however, understand that going to heaven and the rapture are not future events but are events that can be experienced today.

STUDY TIP: See The Rapture for other descriptions of what it is like to hear God’s voice. See The Kingdom of God/heaven for understanding of these spiritual concepts.

When God’s voice is heard, it explains the spiritual meanings of dark sayings, proverbs and riddles, figures of speech, words of the wise and riddles, dreams and visions, enigmas, difficult problems, shadows, types and patterns, and symbols, signs and allegories that are found throughout the Bible. But, there are parts of the Bible that are, by comparison, easy to understand. These may be interpreted literally.

Learning how to know which parts are to be taken symbolically and which parts are to be take literally is the big challenge for Bible students/disciples/learners. But it is not a challenge that is conquered by sheer will and human intellectual effort. Understanding is a gift from God that is only available to New Covenant disciples who seek God with all their heart. Understanding is not available to religious people who continue to try to learn about God from religious leaders.