Religion is a very complex issue. Therefore, the Religion Detox Network offers the following forums to help focus conversations.

See the short descriptions for each forum in the Forum Focus column. Click on the highlighted links in the Links to Detailed Forum Descriptions column for a detailed description of the types of topics that might be included in each forum.

Click on the highlighted links in the Links to Forums column to go to the forum you want to read or for which you might want to create a topic for discussion. You may also click on the list of Quick Forum Links in the right-hand column for links to specific forums.

Forum Focus Links to Detailed Forum Descriptions Links to Forums
Review of Global Religious Trends Global Global
Biblical explanations for global events and trends Bible Bible
Forum especially for people who claim to have no religion Nones Nones
Forum especially for people who were religious but are now done with religion Dones Dones
Forum for religious and nonreligious people who observe religious hypocrisy Hypocrisy Hypocrisy
Forum for people who find religion to be toxic to spiritual health and addictive Toxicity Toxicity
Forum for people who want to be free from religion or have achieved a measure of freedom from religion. They may also have friends and family who are enslaved and abused by religion whom they want to help get free from it. Freedom Freedom
Forum for people might fit in the Nones or Dones population but are not done with God. For convenience, these people are called “Spiritual But Not Religious.” SBNR SBNR
Forum for people who are still very much involved in religion. For convenience, these people are called “Still Religious.” Still Religious Still Religious


Religion Detox Members who want to submit a topic for discussion should read the CautionsUSING FORUMS and Networking pages before posting comments.