Joshua and Jesus symbolically represent New Covenant disciples. They were righteous men who fought against religion. Even Abraham, Moses and King David, important as they were in the history of Israel, were flawed characters who had good and bad seasons of their lives, but they all engaged in warfare against religion.

Abraham, Moses, Joshua Judges, David and certain good kings modeled aspects of what it means to be a warrior/disciple. These Biblical characters represent only snapshot views of Jesus and Joshua who are perfect representations of God and of the ultimate warrior.

Here are a few characteristics of warrior/disciples:

When we look at these characteristics, we see that they closely parallel the characteristics of messiahs. Joshua and Jesus, above all others, are the Biblical characters whose lives model for us what it means to be a warrior/messiah. They are models of perfect New Covenant disciples.

We can contrast Joshua and Jesus with Jews and Christians who are Old/First Covenant religionists who do not embody the attitudes or behaviors of Biblical warriors. They have missed the mark of what it means to be a warrior/disciple for God.

Jesus, of course, did not miss the mark. After he was baptized by the spirit, Jesus models for New Covenant disciples how they should carry out the challenge to utterly destroy religious nations and tear down idols and high places so that captives to religion can be set free from religion.

To understand what this means to us, we must understand Jesus’ qualities and apply them to our own lives:

We first come to know about God through religion that interprets the Bible literally. We are Old/First Covenant religionists.

After we are baptized (i.e. born again), we are New Covenant disciples because God’s spiritual laws are written on our hearts.

To be a son of God we must be born again (i.e. baptized) by the spirit of God. Then we become New Covenant disciples who interpret the Bible symbolically and listen to God’s spoken voice.
While we practice religion we walk in darkness. When we become New Covenant disciples, we walk in the light and spread that light to others who are still walking in the darkness of Old/First Covenant religion.
When we were religious, we operated in the flesh as false prophets. When we become New Covenant disciples, we walk in the spirit by faith as true prophets.
When we were religious, our religious character was modeled after fleshly religious leaders. After we become New Covenant disciples who are born of the spirit of God, our spiritual character reflects our heavenly father.
While we were religious, we practiced religion based on the literal interpretations of the Bible. After we become New Covenant disciples, we listen to God’s voice, and speak for God.
When we were religious, we functioned as false prophets. When we become New Covenant disciples, we learn to function as true prophets.
When we were religious we functioned as priests who receiving training and authority from religious institutions that follow religious laws. When we become New Covenant disciples, God’s spiritual laws were  written on our hearts and we receive all of our instruction by listening to God’s spirit.
New Covenant disciples also serve God as prophets, priests and kings.
New Covenant disciples practice the greatest kind of love in which they lay down their lives for their friends.
We are called to suffer hardship as soldiers who speak for God to correct injustice, slavery and oppression.

From this analysis it is hard to ignore the conclusion that followers of Jesus (i.e. New Covenant disciples) are actively and purposefully engaged in warfare as soldiers. People who are not so engaged remain enslaved to Old/First Covenant religion.

And here are other qualities by which Jesus and his disciples are known:

People who follow Jesus will also embody these same Godly qualities and fulfill the same ministry works that Jesus fulfilled.

Next we must understand the various aspects of Jesus’ ministry:

Bring good news to people who are afflicted with religion.
Make disciples/followers.
Cast fire on the earth
He did not come to bring peace, but a sword to SET A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND A DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER-IN-LAW; See this link for understanding of the purpose of the sword.

See this link for understanding of the symbolism of swords.

Ask questions. Teach religious people how to be disciples.
Answer questions, teach, and interpret the spiritual meanings of the literal Bible. Teach them to study the Bible so they can learn how to interpret its symbolism.
Heal religious people who are spiritually blind, deaf, lame, sick, and dead. Heal religious people from the diseases and sickness of religion.
Seek and save people who are lost in religion. Preach the gospel (i.e. God’s spoken word) to religious people.
Bring justice to people who are held captive by religion and judgment for God’s enemies (i.e. religious leaders) who hold them captive. Set people free from religion and show disciples how to execute justice.
Undo the works of the devil and cast out demons who perpetrate religion. Show disciples how to identify false prophets.
Model for his followers the kinds of actions they must take to utterly destroy religious nations and tear down idols and high places, so that captives to religion can be set free from religion. Fulfill God’s commands to utterly destroy religious nations and tear down idols and high places.

Comfort all who mourn. Convert people from Old/First Covenant religion to New Covenant discipleship.
Bring rest to people who are busy and overworked with religious activity. Teach religious people that they must be lawbreakers with respect to religious laws while being obedient to God’s spiritual laws.
Set captives free from religion. Preach the gospel (i.e. God’s spoken word) to religious people.
Lay down his life.

Note: See Second Death.

Fulfill God’s commands to utterly destroy religious nations and tear down idols and high places.

Bind up the brokenhearted. Preach the gospel (i.e. God’s spoken word) to religious people.
Heal the sick and raise the dead. Preach the gospel (i.e. God’s spoken word) to religious people.
He is the spirit of prophecy. Fulfill the attitudes and functions of a true prophet.
He is an example for New Covenant disciples to follow. Preach the gospel (i.e. God’s spoken word) to religious people.

It must be said again that people who follow Jesus will also embody these same Godly qualities and fulfill the same ministry works that Jesus fulfilled.

It must also be said that people who claim to follow and love Jesus but do not fulfill all of these ministry functions in their own lives are hypocrites.

Since Jesus’ mission was to speak God’s words, it must be said that anyone who claims to follow Jesus must also speak God’s fiery words which have the purpose of purifying people from practicing the sin of religion. And it must also be said that anyone who claims to be a follower of Jesus but does not speak God’s words has broken the third commandment.

God’s purpose in presenting Jesus as the model warrior for us to follow is to teach us how to engage in spiritual battle with the enemy (i.e. religion).

New Covenant disciples can do and should do everything that Jesus did — including die for others. If they do not do the same things that Jesus did, they are not true New Covenant disciples.

But following Jesus does not mean that New Covenant disciples must physically die. Rather, they die symbolically first when they leave religion and die a second time when they become warriors who understand that religion is the enemy and do whatever they can do to correct the injustice of slavery to religion. When they actively take on the religious establishment like Jesus did they go through the same death and resurrection process  that Jesus did.

STUDY TIP: See Death, Resurrection and New Life and Two Deaths for more about death.

The cross is a well-known symbol of Jesus’ death and resurrection. God uses the symbolism of a cross to represent what it means to die as a warrior/soldier. Thus, a warrior for God dies daily and carries his cross daily as though he/she is a professional, full time soldier who suffers death in the battle to fight the good fight to overcome religion. In effect, they become suffering servants who willingly, and voluntarily lay down their lives for their religious friends so that they will leave religion and become New Covenant disciples.

STUDY TIP: See Wood (trees) and The Cross for more understanding of the cross.